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Saudi Arabia
personal growth
July 9th, 2016
آخر تسجيل دخول:
August 27th, 2016
أحدث التعليقات
درس ممتاز، جزاكم الله خيراً
I've gone through all your lessons and this is the last one :( I cannot wait for your next lessons! I hope you upload at least one every week if that is possible. z I liked the unique style you use to...
That is Annas's voice, right? so cute! z Thank you for this lesson! z
I really hate being late for work or something else. It's not cool at all!! z
I really liked how you came up with a conversation from native speakers and explain it. Although it is still a little bit hard for me to get what they're saying but I think I can develop very well by ...
I feel like I'm not allowed to comment in Arabic in this level, so I'm going to post a comment in English only. It's really fun though XD I enjoyed this lesson and I understand almost every words. But...
من قبل كم يوم كنت أفكر كيف اسأل شخص أيش يشجع؟ اعرف كلمة support لكن ماجت في بالي :( هذي مشكلتي في بعض الأحيان ما افكر...
حبيت مداخلات أحمد اللطيفة في هذا الدرس، أتنمنى أن اسمعه كثيرا في الدروس المستقبلية! Does PLC stand for Post Lesson Comment or what?...
I'm confused. Sometimes they say, "big brother" and they mean "older brother", right? z Isn't it better to say "taller" instead of "bigger"? z - المحادثة في آخر الدرس: E: Mohammad, d...
درس رائع، حبيت شرح ال intonation بفقرة "تعليق ما بعد الدرس". شكراً لكم!
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